Dental crowns are usually applied as porcelain crowns. There are crowns with and without a metal support.
For patients who want a more aesthetic smile, dentists are looking for more aesthetic treatment approaches. These aesthetic needs have led to the increased use of zirconium-supported teeth in dentistry. Zirconium, a white material used in the manufacture of teeth, is transformed and processed into zirconia ceramic in special furnaces rather than in its pure mineral form. Zirconium dental crowns belong to the group of metal-free crowns and offer a more natural appearance compared to metal-supported crowns.
This method is used to correct undesirable appearances in the front of the teeth and create an aesthetic appearance.
Other treatment options may include whitening, aligning and correcting crooked or disproportionate teeth. The form of treatment we use in this process is made of ceramic materials and will give the patient an aesthetically pleasing appearance. It is an advanced method that can be used without compromising the aesthetic appearance of the tooth. Laminate veneers show similar properties to the tooth structure.

All-ceramic veneers are used to repair defects such as caries, fractures, cracks and other damage caused by the loss of tooth material or lack of support. They are aesthetically advanced veneers made of reinforced porcelain or made entirely as a reinforced porcelain block. It is one of the most commonly used methods in aesthetic dentistry. All-ceramic veneers, which are also used for dental anomalies that affect the bite and chewing ability, allow light transmission similar to that of natural teeth due to the lack of metal content.
This denotes the highest possible aesthetics. It could be described as the best porcelain veneer. It is more delicate than zirconium or metal veneers, so it is not suitable for every area. However, it is an invaluable option for people who value aesthetics.
The biggest advantage of this application is that no metal is used. It is used especially for patients with metal allergies. Emax porcelain is also recommended for aesthetic reasons. No metal is used during the application. Other veneering techniques result in an artificial appearance due to the materials used. The structure of Emax porcelain is transparent and very similar to the natural tooth colour. Compared to metal-containing veneers, the surface of Emax porcelain is more resistant to stains and plaque formation. Technological support is used at every stage from moulding to final size. It requires precise work.

Ceramic fillings are a type of filling that restores lost tooth substance caused by caries, root canal treatment or trauma by filling in only the missing parts of the tooth. They are partly porcelain components or, simply put, laboratory-reinforced composite or porcelain fillings. Compared to composite fillings, they match the treated tooth and neighbouring teeth much better.
Ceramic inlays and onlays protect the healthy part of the tooth in the same way as laminate veneers. These types of fillings are preferred in the back teeth, where aesthetics and comfort are expected, instead of metallic and dark-coloured amalgam fillings. In addition to the need to make many fillings in a short time, ceramic fillings prepared in the laboratory, which are placed after preparation and measurement in the second session, save a lot of time. As these fillings are not prepared in the mouth, they ensure a perfect fit with the teeth thanks to the preparation in the laboratory.

Aesthetic fillings are one of the types of fillings that offer an extremely natural appearance.
In this filling process, also known as composite filling, the filling material is matched to the patient’s own tooth colour. Therefore, it is not possible to distinguish the colour of the filling from the natural tooth enamel. The fact that the colour of the filling is completely matched to the individual’s own tooth colour and that the edges of the filling are not visible provides an aesthetic appearance. In a sense, it can be said that it is impossible to recognise the filling with the naked eye from the outside.